Kids Camp 2024

The BEST FREE summer camp for kids 4 years old to those entering 5th grade is happening again in Summer 2024! We would love for your child to join us this year and have a summer they’ll never forget!

WHEN: July 17-19th, 2024. from 9am to Noon (Registration opens at 8:30am)
WHERE: Christ's Church of the Valley - Royersford, PA


  • Online registration for campers will close on Wednesday, July 10th.

  • On-site registration will be available on July 17, 18, and 19, beginning at 8:30am.

  • Online registration for volunteers will remain open until Tuesday, July 16th.


Kids Camp FAQs

  • While we do not require families to pay to attend Kids Camp, it costs us approximately $15 per child to put on our camp each summer. Donations to Kids Camp are always appreciated to help make Kids Camp happen at CCV! (Donations can be made directly on the registration form, or in-person during Kids Camp week!)

  • Absolutely! Everyone is invited, and believe us when we say, this is NOT your standard “vacation bible school” camp. Your child is in for quite an awesome experience at Kids Camp.

  • Camp programming begins at 9:00am. Your child will rotate between outside activities (giant inflatables, field games, water fun, etc.), snack and hangout time, and a 45-minute, indoor, themed production, complete with engaging music and an interactive show! Camp ends with an indoor show full of music, stage games, prize giveaways, and more! Campers dismiss at 12:00pm.

  • Your child may wear whatever they feel most comfortable in, knowing they will very likely get wet! Lots of kids wear a t-shirt & shorts over a bathing suit, along with sturdy shoes (Chacos, water shoes, etc). Shoes that can get wet and/or are easy to remove/put back on are best, especially for the youngest campers.

  • Please send your child with a WATER BOTTLE AND SNACK each day, labeled with their name. Snacks should be free of nuts (peanuts and tree nuts), and should not require refrigeration or utensils (goldfish, pretzels, and applesauce pouches are all great options!).

    While a towel and/or bag are not necessary, many campers do bring them – totally up to you! Just please remember to LABEL, LABEL, LABEL anything sent to camp! The more they bring, the more they have to keep track of!

  • YES! YES! YES! Your child will be outside for 2+ hours, so sunscreen is a MUST!

  • Great question. Our biggest priority is to make sure that your child has an incredible time and feels safe at all times during camp. We have spent years perfecting systems, personnel, and safeguards to ensure these measures. Additionally, there will be police presence on church campus during all three days of Kids Camp to help ensure safety for all. Our camper to leader ratio for our Pre-K kids averages 3:1, and 5:1 for our elementary teams. Please don’t hesitate to email our Children’s Pastor with any specific questions at

  • Teams are assigned by grade level. Team assignments will be sent the Monday of Kids Camp week!

  • To ensure a safe and secure dismissal for every camp, please make sure to bring your photo ID when picking up your child each day of camp. We will ask you return to your vehicle to retrieve your ID if you arrive without it!